1 liter milk
3 tbsp Basmati Rice soaked for 15 mins
1/2 Vanilla Pod or a few drops of vanilla extract
3 Tbsp Sugar for Caramel
2 Tbsp Sugar additionally
1 tsp butter
2 tbsp condensed milk
1 tetra pack Amul cream
1, In a pan take milk and add the vanilla pod to it.
2. Add soaked Basmati rice and cook till rice is done.
2. Remove the vanilla Pod once the milk changes color and extract vanilla from the pod and add it to the boiling milk.
3. In another pan caramelize 3 tbsp of Sugra.
4. Add butter and stir well
5. Add the caramel to the kheer
6. Add condensed milk, cream and add additional sugar sugar if required.
7. Cool the kheer and then churn it in a mixer grinder.
8. Chill in fridge and serve
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